10% off
Complete cylinder head work
* special special special*
Now through Sept. 27 we have a block machining special of $1250.00. This includes all cleaning,bore & hone,crankshaft grinding,deck block,install cam bearings,recondition connecting rods and hang pistons.  This price reflects customer supplying/purchasing all parts (pistons,cam brgs,freeze plugs etc.. * this offer good for iron blocks only. call for more info.
Limited time only. Time till special ends specified on page. Person must print and present to thorsens racing engines Employees. Limited to one per customer only. Customer must print page in its entirety. Printed copy is valid threw one week after sale expires. Anything past one week is considered void.
*Heading into fall it's time to get those fluids flushed and set for frigid temps. Make sure to have your cooling system presure tested for leaks as head and intake gaskets can decay over time.
Ends Sept.27